Pupil Services
Pupil Services provides a variety of services to students and families, and supports school site staff by providing information and assistance to school sites as they work to address educational, social and behavioral needs of our students.
Pupil Services oversees specialized services such as: Student Enrollment, School Attendance Review Board, Suspensions and Expulsions, THINK Together, Homeless Liaison, Juvenile Hall Court School Transition Contract/Liaison, Health, Medi-Cal, Home Teaching, Alternative Educational Programs, Custodian of Records, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community, California Healthy Kids, Tobacco Use Prevention Education and Migrant Education.
Ana Scoville
Coordinator of Pupil Services
The Coordinator of Pupil Services administers various student and family programs, including the School Attendance Review board (SARB), suspensions and expulsions, foster youth and homeless programs, enrollment, school safety, home teaching, and student health. They also supports district programs and services for students and families such as dental programs, emotional and mental health programs, parent partners, and attendance support initiatives.
Nicole Lemas
Student Development Technician
The Student Development Technician reports to and supports the Student Development and Pupil Services Coordinator, as well as provides support for Categorical Compliance. This includes the School Attendance Review Board (SARB), suspensions and expulsions, foster youth and homeless programs, enrollment, school safety, home teaching, and student health, as well as district programs and services for students and families.