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Advisory Council

The Role of the Advisory Council

  1. Gain knowledge of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the Induction Standards, and the Newark Teacher Induction program design and structure.
  2. Be able to communicate the program’s rationale, goals and design to school or district leaders, school officials, bargaining units when present, and others responsible for employing, assigning and supporting beginning teachers.
  3. Collaborate with other Advisory Council members to advise and make recommendations to the Program Director.
  4. Participate in local and statewide program evaluation activities.

Members:  Mentors, principals, district / school administrators, and Newark USD School Board representative

2018-2019 Advisory Council Meetings

July 20, 2018                                                                Agenda

September 21, 2018                                                   Agenda

December 4, 2018                                                      Agenda

March 22, 2019      (Cancelled)

April 12, 2010                                                               Agenda 

2021-2022 Advisory Council Meetings
Mentors Collaborating
Advisory Council reviewing new tools and resources
Mentors and a Newark Board Member