Multilingual Achievement
NUSD knows that multilingual students and their families are one of our greatest assets. Multilingualism is the future, and we are dedicated to high quality programs and services that will support all students to achieve our shared vision of achievement and opportunity. This achievement means attaining a high level of proficiency in both English and another language and applying these skills in meaningful ways.
We are committed to supporting multilingual learners at all levels and at any stage in their development. We are guided by the principles that are outlined in the California English Learner Roadmap, which are as follows:
Principle One: Assets-Oriented and Needs-Responsive Schools: Pre-schools and schools are responsive to different English learner (EL) strengths, needs, and identities and support the socio-emotional health and development of English learners. Programs value and build upon the cultural and linguistic assets students bring to their education in safe and affirming school climates. Educators value and build strong family, community, and school partnerships.
Principle Two: Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access: English learners engage in intellectually rich, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency. These experiences integrate language development, literacy, and content learning as well as provide access for comprehension and participation through native language instruction and scaffolding. English learners have meaningful access to a full standards-based and relevant curriculum and the opportunity to develop proficiency in English and other languages.
Principle Three: System Conditions that Support Effectiveness: Each level of the school system (state, county, district, school, pre-school) has leaders and educators who are knowledgeable of and responsive to the strengths and needs of English learners and their communities and who utilize valid assessment and other data systems that inform instruction and continuous improvement. Each level of the system provides resources and tiered support to ensure strong programs and build the capacity of teachers and staff to leverage the strengths and meet the needs of English learners.
Learn More About Our Priorities for Multilingual Achievement
Parent Rights
Right to Services - Parents and guardians have the right to opt out of English Learner programs or particular services, with the exception of the ELPAC Assessment. If you would like to decline services, please submit it to your school or the District Office in writing. If you have previously declined services but changed your mind, you should also submit this request in writing to either the school or District.
Right to request additional language services - Parents and guardians have a right to request an alternative language program than what is currently offered. If 30 requests are received from 1 school or 20 requests from any grade level regarding an additional language program, the District is required to offer such a program to the extent possible. Please use this form to submit your request.
Right to participate in parent leadership groups - Parents and guardians have a right to comment on and monitor the District’s goals and priorities related to English Language learners and multilingual programs. Please become involved in the DELAC or ELAC >>